Experience Abundant Life

Your wisest, best choices to be consistent with God's will for you and the life God enables you to co-create.

 It is my experience and firm belief that we realize abundant life to the degree our daily 'operations' are consistent with our unique individual designs, joyously embracing who we are and performing our special work.

Explore the Path to Your Destination


Do you love your life?  Is it fulfilling?  Does it honor God?

Discovery God's purpose for your life and living it empowers you to answer "yes" to each of these questions.  In The Higher Choices Compass, author and Christian life coach Laura Zuber provides a guidebook for discovering your purpose, your destination, and traveling your life path. 

Map the Course and Stay on Track

Mission and vision statements are essential for defining your purpose, your Destination.  Charting the Course leads you through the process of defining specific goals, that when accomplished, result in small images that will allow you to see your vision take shape.

Understand Connection and Direction

Fulfilling relationships are what life is about!   We are relational people, thus the many rewards of relationships are the motivators for most of our choices about who to be and what to do.  There is an extraordinary phenomenon I call Connection and Direction you experience as you live on purpose and stay open to God's leading.

Connection - the bonds through which meaningful relationships thrive

Direction - the heading that aligns your life journey to your destination

Enjoy the Adventure

When I think of adventure, I imagine a journey to some new, exciting place that offers the elements of beauty, surprise, wonder, and fun.  An adventure should be something thrilling.  To say, "life is a journey," sounds boring, as if it takes a lot of time and effort!

I have found that my life has a good element of adventure the more I trust God with my choices, and seek God's ideas

What's Holding You Back?

We all have places in our life where we are blocked. Working together, we will identify those blocks and find ways for you to overcome them.